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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

Shifting With God!

Without question, 2020 will go down in history as a year fraught with changes and challenges, so many of which seem insurmountable. Through the media, we have been inundated with disturbing reports of Black men and women hurt or killed by law enforcement officials. Those incidents have sparked violent protests across the nation where property has been destroyed and more people have been killed. Multiple thousands of lives have succumbed to COVID-19, which has also taken a serious toll on the economy. In the wake of the pandemic, churches have been shut down while Planned Parenthood—one of the biggest performers of abortions—has been classified as essential. Entire cities, states, and even nations have shut down in one way or another and are doing business differently. Through both traditional and nontraditional media, we have repeatedly witnessed outright disrespect of U.S. leaders towards each other before the entire world. The pandemic has also changed the way we interact with each other: we can hardly do so without masks and social distancing, even at intimate family events like reunions and funerals. We cannot even support our loved ones who have been hospitalized or found themselves in emergency rooms for whatever reason. The most we can do in these situations is wait in our cars or at home for news on their condition. We are more polarized and disunified than ever—even in the Church! Clearly, our lives have been impacted in 2020 in unimaginable—and perhaps even irreversible—ways. We may not ever be the same again!

As I have written before, I believe God is preparing the Body of Christ to move forward with this change, not resisting but firmly embracing it. I once heard a preacher say concerning technology that God wanted his children to be the innovators of these technologies. God has always wanted to birth such technologies through His Church as tools to be used to His Glory to share His Gospel throughout the earth! However, the Church rejected them out-and-out as being anti-God. For example, when television came upon the scene, Christians initially referred to it as the devil in a box and refused to use it. Fortunately, we came to see television as a valuable tool to share the Gospel. However, while we pondered the merits of television, the world practically took over the industry with Christians paying large sums of money to use their services. In this way, the Church seems to always be bringing up the rear when, in the Name of Jesus, we should be leading the charge. We should be the ones dominating and exploiting technology to share the Word and Power of God to make the desperately needed difference in the world!

Well, it is high time that we, as the Body of Christ, no longer sit back and let the devil and the world have and dominate things that belong to God’s people. We must have ears that hear what Father God is saying concerning new technology, strategies, ideas, plans, and concepts so we can dominate in every single area, from politics to the pulpit. We can no longer do church as usual, and we certainly can no longer act like the world. It is time to stand up and be different. It is time to ask the Father how we can use technology in its fullest capacity to reach the lost and spread His life-changing message of love. It is time to use our social media pages as an avenue to flood the world with the Gospel of Christ, refraining from gossip, criticism, and angry name-calling. Of course, the truth is not acceptable to everyone, but it is the truth that we must always share and in love. If the social media platforms block our pages because of our messages, we must simply press forward, create new pages, or do whatever it takes to avail ourselves of technology to cover this earth with the Glory of God. What we must not do is act like, think like, and respond like the world. We are distinct and peculiar, and this is our time to flood the light of Jesus to the world!

His Voice Ministry will obey the command to change, as we continue to hear from God. For the past few weeks, Father God has awaken me in the wee hours of the morning with a message for the blog. The message usually comes sometime early in the week, and I would wait until Friday morning to post it. However, I received new instructions from our Father. His Voice Ministry will not be delivering our weekly blogs on Fridays anymore. Instead, they will be delivered as soon as we hear them, fresh from God. We guarantee that at least one issue will be delivered by Saturday midnight, but they could come more often than that. They will be delivered first via email to our subscribers and then announced on our other ministry pages for all others. His Voice Ministry believes God is preparing us to be used as a mighty voice, in these coming months and years, to bring forth a change and an awakening to our nation that will see people’s hearts changed and see them come to the knowledge of Christ. Help us and pray for us, as we will for you, concerning this new shift.

God bless you, and may you continue to hear and heed His Voice!

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