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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney


Ever since the announcement of COVID-19 almost a year ago, we’ve continued to hear of people contracting COVID-19. Some have succumbed to it by death, and others have survived. We’ve heard about the number of cases in various states and cities spiking at an alarming rate. Some officials even called for curfews for everyone except essential personnel. Such curfews begin at 8 PM and last until 5 AM and are intended to keep the spread of the virus from affecting more people (

In public schools in my county, parents are now receiving automated calls when a student has tested positive for COVID-19, and whether or not their children have been exposed. In cases of exposure, children are quarantined and have to do their schoolwork from home. Like so many, I have friends who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 as well as some who are fighting for their lives. However, I keep hearing a powerful truth in my spirit day after day, and I would like to share it with you as a reminder. It is found in the Isaiah53: 4-5 (AMPC):

Surely, He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.

The truth of the matter is Jesus already bore COVID-19 for us, and the devil does not want us to know it. The devil wants believers to believe COVID-19 is more powerful than the Blood of Jesus. The devil wants believers to believe there is no hope for any person who has been infected. He wants believers to place no trust in the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, or in the Blood of Jesus to heal. Even if they place their trust in God, the devil wants them to believe they still have little chance of protection against the virus. I believe with all my heart more than ever that there is an outright attack against believers’ minds not to trust God.

When the Prophet Isaiah saw the Savior in a vision, he saw all sicknesses, weaknesses, pains, griefs, sorrows, and distresses laid upon Him. Perhaps, he did not know its specific name, but he knew by faith Jesus bore every disease, including COVID-19 and any other virus that may be down the line.

I want to remind you that you are the healed and not the sick. When Jesus was whipped 39 times across his whole body, every lash screamed out to you and me YOU ARE HEALED. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us to receive healing from any sickness, disease or virus. The chastisement to obtain peace and well-being for us was a crown of thorns, which the Roman soldiers placed on Jesus’ head and pushed down, piercing his skull and causing blood to flow down his face and beard. This helps us to realize that Jesus bore the pains, fears, torment, anguish, oppression and depression that would come against our minds—sometimes daily—and weigh us down.

One of the effects I’ve seen this virus have on people is on their minds. Here is something to consider in light of all the news you hear. Jesus bore your fears and worries. In other words, COVID-19 was laid upon Jesus over 2000 years ago, and His Blood conquered it. We now have to believe this truth. We now have to take this scripture and renew our thinking by reading and saying it repeatedly on a daily basis until it becomes life…healing and health to all [your] flesh (see Proverbs 4:22). God’s Words are LIFE and HEALING to ALL your body. The Jubilee Translation says it this way, For they are life unto those that find them and medicine to all their flesh. In other words, take His Word like medicine every day. Take a big dose of Isaiah 53:4-5 or 1 Peter 2:24 one to three times a day. I heard a preacher say if symptoms grow worse, you can double the dosage because there are no harmful side-effects.

I must warn you about something else as you speak God’s Word to receive as well as maintain your healing. It is found in Proverbs 4:24 (KJV): Put away from thee a forward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Do not confess by His stripes I am healed and the next minute say oh I am sick. This is considered perverse talk because it goes contrary to God’s Word concerning your healing. Jesus believes that you are already healed. So get in line with His thinking on the subject and choose to believe His Word that you are healed. Remember that the Word of God is medicine to your flesh, so take it just like you would take medicine your doctor prescribes. Indeed, there is no problem with taking prescribed medication, just make sure you mix faith with it. For example, before you take your medicine, take a dose of His Word as well. Trust God’s Word to bring you healing and complete deliverance from whatever is attacking your physical body. The Bible says that God’s Word is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective] (Heb.4:12.) When you say and believe His Word concerning your healing, it is alive and full of power, healing, and medicine for all your flesh. It has the power to destroy whatever disease or virus that comes against it. Do not let the devil rob you of health and vigor in any way. You remind him that YOU ARE THE HEALED, and he does not have the authority to make you sick!

God Bless as you continue to hear and heed His Voice.

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