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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

Do Not Be Deceived

There is something striking about the candidates contending for the Democratic nomination for President that sets them apart. The candidates are not hiding whom or what they support. For example, if they are anti 2nd amendment, they say it. If they support abortion (or from my perspective, the murder of babies in the womb), they say it. If they are pro-LGBTQ, they say it. If they are against freedom of religion, especially Christianity, they say it. They are not waiting until they get into office to reveal where their loyalties lie. They are speaking loudly and proudly every chance they get.

And yet, there still exists the potential for deception because they couch their support in euphemisms, such as reproductive rights, equal rights, and advocacy for the poor and underserved. So they are not as direct as they appear because the words they use hide the evil of the activity they support. Consider, for example, that the term, reproductive rights, is code for supporting the murder of babies in the womb. This tactic by the enemy is not new and is so cunning that except for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you would never know you were being deceived. This was demonstrated in the Garden of Eden when satan asked Eve,

Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” You will not certainly die…for God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” Gen 3:1, 4-5 NIV.

In essence, the devil told Eve, and is telling us, that we will not suffer consequences by obeying him or compromising our Biblical worldview. He is saying to the Body of Christ that the anti-Biblical choices we make in the ballot box are without repercussions. The enemy is subtly convincing people, through clever speeches and debates, that Christians are wrong for their Bible-based thinking and that the world’s views are good common sense. Through television programs and movies—and recently an image of the one presidential candidate kissing his husband—the enemy has desensitized people to homosexuality to the point the men kissing men or women kissing women is no big deal. It’s just the society we live in nowadays. There’s little outrage over children education programs featuring transgender individuals or drag queens teaching our children. After all, there is more than one way to define a family. The devil is doing his best to get us to buy his lie that things will be easier if we, as Christians, give up our Christian views.

Therefore, we must say loudly and unashamedly that we will not give into the LGBTQ agenda. We will not give into the thinking that a little sin is alright if it will serve a greater good in our society. We will not give over our pulpits, in the name of inclusion, to men and women who embrace homosexuality and use the Bible to justify their sinful lifestyles. We must awake to righteousness and conviction, taking a stand for God, and refusing to compromise, no matter what! We will not be deceived by satan. We will not disobey God’s commands and therefore will not die as a nation. Our witness will not lose its power to effect a change in the lives of those who desperately need it.

Will you pray and stand with us to be God’s Voice, crying out to all?

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