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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney


Ever since the announcement of COVID-19 some weeks ago, all I have thought about night and day have been several divinely protective phrases. I have detailed those phrases below. I plead the Blood of Jesus against you, COVID-19! I plead the Blood of Jesus against you virus from the pit of hell. I plead the Blood of Jesus against your attempts to steal, kill and destroy lives. I plead the Blood of Jesus against you spirit of death that is attached to this virus, which is coming against men and women across this world. I plead the Blood of Jesus against you spirit of fear that is tormenting the minds of people and causing them to walk in fear instead of faith in God.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my house and every house in my nation.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my nation. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my family and the families of everyone in my nation. I plead the Blood of Jesus over the very atmosphere I breathe and that others in my nation breathe. I plead the Blood of Jesus over every church that names the name of Jesus. I plead the Blood of Jesus over every place of work, and declare the atmosphere to be clean and pure for those who work there. I plead the Blood of Jesus over hospitals, doctor offices, and medical clinics, and declare that our medical personnel shall live, and not die, as they help others to live. I plead the blood of Jesus over every nursing home facility. I plead the Blood of Jesus over every door, window, and room of every resident, and declare the very air they breathe to be pure and untouched by the virus, in Jesus’ Name. I plead the Blood of Jesus!

I speak to you, COVID-19, to bow to the Name of Jesus Christ.

I command your plans against my nation and the citizens of my nation to be destroyed, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I command you virus to die right now in bodies that have been infected, and I speak healing into them right now. I speak strength and restoration to be released into those very bodies right now, in the Name of Jesus. I speak life and health, in accordance with Isaiah 53:4, 5, Matthew 8:17, and 1 Peter 2:24, to their bodies to flow throughout every nerve, tissue, bone, joint, cell, organ and muscle.

I declare the Body of Christ is rising up and boldly declaring Jesus, not COVID-19, as Lord.

The Body of Christ (BOC) is walking in faith and not fear. The BOC is using this opportunity to harvest more souls than ever before. I declare every church leader and layman alike are declaring words of faith into every person they encounter. The BOC is coming together as a unified group to cast the spirit of COVID-19 out in the Name of Jesus. We declare the Blood of Jesus washing over every neighborhood, town, city, state and every nation, in the Name of Jesus.

Please join me in making this declaration right now: · I plead the Blood of Jesus! · I declare Jesus is Lord over COVID-19. · I will walk in faith and not in fear. · I trust in God’s protection for myself and family, according to Psalms 91. · Jesus is Lord over my body, and healing dwells in me mightily. · I break your power, COVID-19, over my city, state and nation. · I command you spirit of COVID-19 to go back to hell from where you came in the Name of Jesus. · I plead the Blood of Jesus!

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