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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

It Is Time To Wake Up

May 14, 2019 is a day I shall never forget. It started without incidence, just like any other day. I was simply going about my business, not thinking of anything in particular, when I stumbled—or so I thought—across my Instagram page, perusing posts from different ministries. One particular post from a church in Newark, Texas caught my attention. The post petitioned believers to join in prayer concerning the HR 5 Equality Act Bill, scheduled to be voted on the next day in the House of Representative. The post prompted me to look further into this bill, and as I did so, I was overcome by righteous anger. I knew instantly in my spirit that this bill was not of God, but rather a clever trick of the enemy to gain access not only into the lives of innocent people, but also into the Church at large.

As I continued to read the bill, I was confronted with a Voice, not at all unfamiliar to me. I’d heard this Voice years ago regarding this very subject, but this time, it was stronger, reverberating in my spirit. Ezekiel 33 rose in me like a tsunami wave:

And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, speak to the sons of your people...but if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away because of his corruption and sin; but I will require his blood from the watchman’s hand.”

God has commissioned me to wake up the Church regarding the devil’s tactics during these last days, and HR 5 is just the tip of the iceberg. Through the above scripture, God warned me that He would hold me accountable for not completing the assignment He has placed before me. I believe wholeheartedly that the Body of Christ, more than ever, needs a wake-up call; so I am answering my mandate from God to sound the alarm loud and clear, for all to hear.

The Bill

The Equality Act Bill ostensibly heralds equality, but nothing could be further from the truth. The bill will empower the Federal Government to impose civil and criminal punishment on citizens who disagree with Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity ideology. If passed, it has the power to change the laws that govern how pastors and Christian leaders counsel people who come to them in confidence, seeking deliverance from homosexuality. The world does not have the right—and certainly not the wisdom—to direct ministers of the gospel concerning anything, let alone the ministering of the Word of God to set the captives free! And yet, this bill has the potential to forbid the Church from advising people regarding deliverance from homosexuality and from helping people see the truth about their God-created identity as a biological male or female. These issues should cause a wake-up in the Body of Christ, and I am sounding the alarm!

The following excerpt, taken from the American Family Association web page, provides further insight on the danger of this bill, should it become law.

1. Female business owners, customers, and employees would then be forced to share their privacy in restrooms and dressing rooms with men who claim to be women.

2. Health care providers and professionals would be forced to perform gender transition procedures (sex changes) and provide medical services (hormone therapy) that would violate their moral and religious convictions.

3. Amusement parks, recreation centers, skating rinks, and daycare centers, etc. will be forced to employ people whose values on sexuality deviates from those of the employer.

4. Adoption and foster care agencies will be forced to place children into same sex households and into homes of individuals suffering from gender confusion.

5. College and professional sports stadiums would be required to open its restrooms to either sex.

How This Affects Religious Organizations

The “Equality” Act bans the use of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), as a legal defense from the government violating a person’s religious liberty. RFRA is a law that was passed in 1993 that placed stringent restrictions on government religious discrimination.

Congress willfully handcuffed itself when it passed RFRA. They did this to protect people of faith from the potential of government abuse of power to violate religious liberty. However, the Democratic Party is no longer interested in protecting an individual’s religious liberty. Instead, Democrats have become the party of sexual deviancy at the expense of religious liberty.

If Christians no longer have protections under RFRA, radical liberals will be unleashed to attack those whose faith teaches that marriage is only between one man and one woman and that human sexual identity is a biological fact. By government edict, business owners, employees, and customers alike will be subject to a radical LGBT agenda while facing a guaranteed federal prosecution:

These things should alarm us, not in the sense of making us afraid, but in compelling us to action—in prayer, in the voting booth, or wherever we can make the difference. My husband and I know firsthand the power of God and the Word of God to deliver and keep people free from homosexuality. This bill would come against us, or anyone, sharing that message of hope and freedom with others.

I believe the passage of this bill will give the LBGTQ community and activists leverage to spread their propaganda and implement their agenda not only across America, but also into churches through the reversal of the protection afforded by RFRA, and ultimately through forcing churches and church-run schools to conform to the act or face harsh legal penalties.

As Believers, we need to rise up, wake up, and spread the word to others. We must not remain silent. We must contact our local Senators and tell them to reject the passage of this bill. We must also pray for God to move on the hearts of Senators and to enlighten their understanding so that they may see and obey the truth.

I close with 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV):

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

Let us have ears to hear what His Spirit is saying to the Church. God bless you, and I pray for you to continue to heed His Voice!

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