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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

It’s Time to Stand Boldly

As we embark on another new year, let us reflect on some of the happenings in our society this past year. This is necessary, as I believe wholeheartedly that 2020 must be a wake up for the Body of Christ. We have seen so much happen in our society that if we do not heed the warning signs, things will only get worse for us. Let us therefore begin our reflection.

A recent post from American Family Association says, President Donald J. Trump continues to uphold his promise to protect religious liberty. Under the Trump administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced it would put an end to an Obama-era attack on faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. Under President Obama, HHS put in place a rule that required faith-based adoption and foster care groups receiving federal funding to place children in same-sex households and to accept an individual’s professed gender identity. Although the Trump administration has put an end to this violation of religious liberty, HHS reissued this rule to bring it into compliance with existing law and protect religious liberty, and now the new rule is subject to a public comment period ending December 19. We are urged to Contact HHS Secretary Alex Azar urging him to protect religious liberty and protect faith-based adoption and foster care agencies.

Perhaps, by now, you have recognized and understood that our religious liberties are being threatened every single day. Organizations, such as ACLU, Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ activists, and many others, are growing more vocal in these last days, determined to silence those who counter their perspective. This brings me to a question: where is our voice? I do not hear enough Christians voicing their Biblical perspective as much as I hear the other side. You do have a voice, and it matters in these last days. I thank God for ministries, such as American Family Association, ACLJ, Pre Born and many others who are making a stand and letting their voices be heard. However, it takes every single Christian to stand together and tell the devil No More!

We must come together as a display of support and help those Christian ministries by supporting them financially, circulating the message on our social pages, informing others, and yes, if need be, protesting or boycotting. We must not be fearful to voice our Biblical perspective concerning political issues. We must not be afraid to rock the boat of tradition and vote for a Biblical platform versus a non-Biblical one. Clearly, the other side is not afraid to tell Christians what they can or cannot do. Neither should we be afraid to tell the devil who is behind it, what he is not going to do. Of course, we do this with our prayers, but we also do it with our stand for righteousness.

Another article from American Family Association says, Many Christians don’t know how to stand firm when criticized on this issue (homosexuality). They understand what the Bible teaches on this topic, but the idea of being called a “hater” is mortifying to them, so they try to straddle the proverbial fence. It happens a lot. Here are some examples:

· The Boy Scouts of America: While not an explicitly Christian organization, the BSA upheld Christian values to millions of young boys for decades. In recent years, they have completely sold out to the homosexual cause.

· Tim Tebow: What a great example for boys across America this man has been. Yet, when the LGBTQ groups applied pressure on him, he canceled a speaking engagement at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, because the church teaches that homosexuality is a sin and he wanted to avoid controversy.

· Louie Giglio: The founder of the Passion youth gatherings, Giglio was one of my favorite Bible teachers. He was asked to pray at President Obama’s second inauguration, but when a 20-year-old sermon surfaced in which Giglio warned against the rise of homosexual activism in America, he was severely criticized by the LGBTQ community. Giglio sheepishly withdrew from the event and then would not even reaffirm his own sermon.

· Beth Moore: Millions of Christian women would attest to the value of her teaching over the last 20 years. It was learned recently that Moore went back to a book she wrote years ago and removed references critical of homosexuality. When asked if she still believed it to be a sin, she would not respond.

· Steph Curry and Russell Wilson: Both sports stars, with ties to North Carolina, have been very public about their Christian faith. However, when the state passed a law to keep men out of girls’ restrooms and showers (on state property), both Curry and Wilson sided with men being allowed in girls’ restrooms.

· Lauren Daigle: The music of this popular gospel singer has blessed millions of people. Recently she was asked her view on homosexuality being a sin, and she responded with this answer: “I can’t honestly answer on that. … I can’t say one way or the other.”

· Drew Brees: NFL quarterback is well known for his strong Christian faith. A few months ago, Brees did an advertisement for “Bring Your Bible to School Day,” sponsored by Focus on the Family. When a local New Orleans LGBTQ newspaper called Brees out for supporting a “hate group,” the quarterback went into panic mode and basically disavowed Focus on the Family.

The most recent example is Chick-fil-A. This is a company founded on Christian principles – and it is extremely popular in the Christian community because of that fact. Chick-fil-A got into hot water with LGBTQ groups when CEO Dan Cathy said in 2012 that he believed in God’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Cathy was spooked by the blowback and then tried to separate his private beliefs from his company.

It didn’t work, and Chick-fil-A has been targeted by the Left ever since, especially because the corporation made donations to groups like The Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. These are “hate” groups, according to the Left. Recently Chick-fil-A ditched The Salvation Army and FCA only to name an LGBTQ affirming organization (Covenant House) as one of their new benefactors.

Why should Christians be mortified of speaking the truth, which should actually be our strong suit? I get that the enemy is spreading fear across the media, demanding that we stop speaking the truth or be shut down. Essentially, the enemy, through LGBTQ activists and their supporters, is saying that he will heat the fire seven times hotter and throw you in it if you speak out. However, like the Hebrews in the Old Testament book of Daniel, we must be bold and defiant, refusing to bow down, no matter how hot the heat or intense the pressure to do so. Do we not yet understand that our God will deliver us? Most importantly, do we not yet have a love for Jesus that keeps us bonded to him, even at the risk of own peril? I hope today that you are seeing the need to stand up and stand strong against the attacks of the enemy. We must never fold under pressure from the enemy. We must say what is right and wrong according to the Bible. We must be a Light in darkness! There are hordes of people counting on it!

And last but certainly not least, this Christmas season, you be the one who brings the true gift of salvation—of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior—to someone in need.

God bless you as you continue to hear and echo His Voice!

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