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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

Money For The Mission!

Updated: Oct 12, 2019

Clearly, the Bible advocates for financial prosperity. Consider, for example, III John 2 NKJV: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. This scripture counters the myth that prosperity, for Christians, is confined to the spiritual realm. In fact, this scripture does not even mention the spiritual realm. Don’t get me wrong: the spiritual realm is fundamental to prosperity, especially given the extent to which God wants to prosper us. This scripture, however, highlights the truth that financial prosperity is contingent on a prosperous soul. That makes perfect sense when we consider that our souls consist of our minds, emotions, and wills—what we think, feel, and decide about anything, including money. Therefore, our lack of financial supply is rooted in the paucity in our souls, not in God’s refusal to provide for us (see Philippians 4:19). Our struggle to at least believe that God wants to prosper us simply has no basis in Scripture. We should be long past that struggle.

However, the main reason that Christians, and consequently churches and ministries, need to prosper in the realm of money is to fund the mission of God throughout the earth. Consider Romans 12:2 NKJV: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Christians—and absolutely no one else!—are commissioned to demonstrate the will of God to others, and incidentally, that will is good, acceptable, and perfect. And it should be demonstrated throughout the earth.

But did you know that it takes money to do that? Yes, it takes money to put people in places of impact, such as the White House, Congress, and state capitols. The world gets this, which is why most of these positions are occupied by people who have no consciousness of, let alone respect for, the will of God. Isn’t it past time that the Church gets this as well? Isn’t it time that we stop complaining about the flaws of our Government and do something about them? We should never cease to pray for our nation (see II Chronicles 7:14 and Luke 18:1). However, are we willing to be the answers to those prayers? Are we willing to fund the campaigns and subsequent elections of Godly men and women who will pray and secure the will of God concerning our nation’s problems? That takes money—money with a mission!

Money provides answers, according to Ecclesiastes 10:19, even though those answers are not always right. And money is influential. In fact, we are often outraged at the way the rich and unrighteous flaunt their money. But why get mad when you can get money and provide the kind of answers that come from God? For example, with money, we can re-build homes, businesses, and cities that have been devastated by natural disasters. We can build schools where children are discipled and released into every sector of society to make the difference for God. Money can build shelters and homes where destitute women can be taught the Word of God and get the education they need to be successful. Money—our money!—can fund ministries that have been empowered by God to bring lasting freedom from drugs, alcohol, sexual deviancy, and any evil addiction or behavior. We can build clinics that provide baby ultrasounds to mothers who are considering abortion (80% of mothers, in these cases, choose life). What a difference we can make with our money!

Luke 19:11-26 presents the parable of the nobleman who gave his servants money and asked them to put it to work in his absence. The servants who obeyed were commended and rewarded. The one servant who refused to put his master’s money to work was reprimanded and condemned as evil. We must not be like the wicked servant. We must not reject riches, nor envy those who have them. Rather, we must use them to bring God to bear upon every area of society, in anticipation of His return. We must always be mission-minded when it comes to money!

So see yourself as an agent of change. See yourself as an ambassador of God in the earth. See yourself paying off someone’s debt. See yourself paying for a school to be built. See yourself paying for a single mother to attend college. See yourself blessed beyond your wildest dreams. In short, see yourself as making a mark for God that will never be erased! God sees you this way, and it is about time you come in agreement with Him.

God bless you as you hear and heed His Voice to make a paradigm shift about how you see money.

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