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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney


Most of you have heard of or may even be following the latest news concerning the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Although I have not followed every single day, what I have watched and listened to has my spirit on guard.

Since President Trump’s 2016 election into office, he has endured consistent attack from the House of Representatives, Governors, citizens, the Democratic Party, and the media that would have sent the average person running into hiding, but not this president. I certainly do not agree with everything he does or says, but I have noticed some good things about President Trump.

First, he is not afraid of a fight. He is willing to go head to head with anyone. Second, he refuses to be quiet. Granted, there are times when he should have remained quiet (of course, all of us miss such opportunities). However, he will speak his mind. He will tell his side. He will challenge the perspective and claims of the media or any other politician. He will not just sit idly by while others voice opinions with which he disagrees. Third, he is not your typical politician. He has no previous experience in Government, so he does not know the rules of the game. He is a man who stands on the platform of right. He supports life in the womb. He supports religious freedom, something for which every Christian should be grateful. He supports more Christian values than we have seen supported in the Oval Office for a long time. He values prayer and calls on other ministers to help him. I am not saying he is perfect, but he does dream big and want better for our country. And he is for all men, not just a particular group.

I believe this latest attack is a call for the Body of Christ to wake up. I believe it is a sign for us to pray, seek the face of God and have eyes to really see the demonic agenda at hand. This truly is a demonic ploy against the Body of Christ. This is an attack to get us to shut up and shut down.

Our religious freedoms have never been attacked more than during his presidency. Think about this for a moment: our freedom to protect the unborn, our freedom to operate our businesses as we so choose with our beliefs, and our freedom to protect marriage as a sacred entity have all been challenged strongly in the last few years. Just recently, Chic-Fila officials succumbed to the pressures of the media and LGQBT activists to permanently withdraw their financial support of Christian-based organizations—something the organization has held strongly to since its founding.

I am telling the Body of Christ that we must not lie down like a sleeping giant. We must rise up and shine in this day. We must be the light that shines bright for the entire world to see, illuminating the way for those who are in darkness. Father God desires to reveal His glory in the United States of America big time. He needs you and I to stand strong, to speak up, to be unafraid of men’s faces and to stand for what is right.

I am encouraging every Christian during this election time to read the platforms of the political parties and ask which one aligns more closely with the Bible and then go to the polls and vote not for the person, but for the platform that God can use to bring about His plan, purpose and agenda in the next four years.

God bless you, and may you continue to hear His Voice.

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