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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

Shake It Off!

This past Sunday morning, I taught a sermon that I entitled Shake It Off. In it, I followed Paul onto the island of Malta where a viper, drawn by the heat of a fire kindled by the natives, fastened itself to Paul’s hand. Instead of being moved by fear, Paul responded in faith, shook off the viper from his hand, and continued working, with no harm from the serpent’s bite (Acts 28:1-6)! My overall point was that believers must learn to vehemently shake off those things that threaten their walk of faith with God. Accordingly, I want to encourage you to shake off some particular faith-defying things. Let’s begin with Colossians 3:8.

But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed (abusive, filthy, vulgar) language from your mouth.

Lately, when we turn on the news, all we seem to see is anger and rage. There is a spirit of anger and rage sweeping across nations, cities, states, town and neighborhoods. Let’s consider the following definitions for anger and rage.

Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism: a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad; the feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc.; the feeling of being angry.

Rage: an instance of aggressive behavior or violent anger caused by a stressful or frustrating situation.

Paul not only asks believers to put away these things, but he is also a role model for us to do so. Paul continually faced persecution all over the known world in his relentless pursuit of the “ministry which [he] received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24b). Imprisonment, stoning, and the snake bite on the island of Malta were just a few of the pressures and persecutions that constantly assailed Paul. For an inclusive list, please see II Corinthians 11:22-29. So if anyone knew about anger and rage generating from suffered wrongs, it would be the Apostle Paul!

Let’s go even deeper and consider Jesus. He never did any wrong. In fact, He loved people and manifested that love by healing, delivering, feeding, and casting devils from them. Yet, they beat Him mercilessly, spat in His face, pulled the hair from His beard, mocked Him, and finally nailed Him to a tree! Had he consequently been filled with rage and anger, we would understand. Rather, while on the cross, He asked His Father to forgive them. Anger and rage are contrary to faith and love. When you choose to be moved by anger and rage, your faith will be hindered. You will be rendered powerless to fulfil your God-given purpose in life. However, when you follow Jesus’ example of love and forgiveness, your faith will freely flow!

Love is the foundation of faith and the gospel of Jesus Christ (see John 3:16) and is therefore the only way to shake off anger and rage. What’s more, we are empowered to love because the unconditional love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (see Romans 5:5). This kind of love is not fickle or emotionally based. It is not turned off when we see injustice. It manifests on behalf of anyone, despite race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, or whatever category people are placed in. It is the greatest tool that we have to stand against the oppression of the enemy and press with our callings.

I therefore ask us, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to resist the demonic temptation to give into anger and rage. Let us instead choose love and forgiveness. Let love and forgiveness be preached across our pulpits. Let love and forgiveness come out of our mouths and characterize our deeds. Of course, we should not close our eyes to wrongs going on around us and should take recourses, spiritual and natural, to redress those wrongs. Still, love must motivate our every action—our prayers, our preaching, our protests, or whatever we do. When love motivates us, we are equipped with the power to change our nation—one love response at a time.

Furthermore, it is past time that members of the Body of Christ love each other, resist division, and unify despite our individual differences. In doing so, we will display to the world the answer to America’s hurt and pain, which is found in Jesus. When we choose to display the love of God towards those who have caused us harm, we open the door for God to come in and bring the needed reconciliation. Again, love does not mean doing nothing, and it certainly does not mean accepting or even tolerating evil. It means basing our actions and responses on God’s Word and rooting them in His Love!

Are you ready to begin a movement of real change? Are you ready to see God move in a way like never before? Are you ready to see what real love looks like in the face of hatred? I ask you to shake off any anger, any rage, any forms of racism, any prejudices, any division, any unforgiveness, and put on the garment of love and forgiveness.

God bless you as you continue to heed His Voice!

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