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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

Shake Us Again

A few days ago, as I prayed, God reminded me of a song by Prophetess Juanita Bynum entitled Shake Us Again. As I listened several times and prayed in tongues, God spoke to me. I sensed the heart of God desiring to shake us again in some areas, by His Holy Spirit.

Today’s blog will be a prayer birthed out of that moment with God:

Father God, in the Name of Jesus, shake up our spirit man this day to seeing and desiring You only. Wake up the desire within us to be extraordinary upon this earth. Wake up the desire in us for the supernatural as we go forth ministering to people.

Father God, help us to shake off the lackadaisical spirit that keeps us from getting up and moving in the things of God. Wake up in us a desire to live by faith and pursue faith in every area.

Father, help us to shake off every spirit of insecurity that makes us feel we do not have a voice or what we do doesn’t matter, or we’re too young or too old to make any kind of difference.

Father, help us to shake off any nonsense in our thinking that is not from You.

Father, help us to shake off all fear, doubt, and unbelief, and stand with the shield of faith, blocking every fiery dart thrown our way.

Father, help us to shake off the spirit of religion and legalism that would keep us bound to the letter of the law instead of to the Gospel of Grace.

Father, awaken our children, teenagers, young adults, and shake them into the full knowledge of their callings. Cause them to go forth now, fulfilling their callings.

Father, help us to shake off the spirit of tradition in our churches that makes the Word of no effect and keeps us from experiencing the move of the Holy Spirit in our services.

Father, shake up those dreams in us from years ago, and cause them to begin to kick hard and strong. May we go into spiritual labor through prayer and birth them into the natural.

Father, shake up our nation to see the need for prayer, a call for repentance, and a call back to the things of God.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I speak to every member in the Body of Christ to come alive this day.

· Come alive to God’s will for your life.

· Come alive to God’s purpose for your life.

· Come alive to God’s destiny.

· Come alive to knowing you have victory over sin and the devil.

· Come alive to the anointing of God on the inside of you, which removes burdens and destroys yokes.

· Come alive to knowing you are free, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

· Come alive to knowing you are redeemed, healed, delivered, and the righteousness of God, and God is not holding anything against you.

· Come alive to praying and seeking the face of God.

· Come alive to hearing God’s voice like you never heard it before.

· Come alive to knowing who you are In Christ Jesus.

· Come alive to the knowledge that you have His Name, His Blood Covenant, and His Word as weapons to use against any demonic spirit, and satan can’t touch you.

I pray for every person who has not received their heavenly prayer language to come alive to the knowledge of it and to receive it now, in Jesus Name. Father, I thank you for waking us up to desiring your glory to be seen everywhere we go, and may we always be alert and ready for anything you want us to do…in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

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