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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

The Democratic Platform By Robert Pinkney

Abortion and the expansion of the so-called rights of the LGBT community—I phrase it this way because the LGBT activist agenda is more about encroaching on the rights of others—are two prominent pillars of the democratic platform. In fact, they just might be the most important ones. You certainly cannot deny the Democrats’ unswerving commitment to these issues, not unless you are dishonest or have been hiding under a rock! The 2020 Democratic presidential candidates clearly heralded their support of abortion during a debate and seemed more committed to the cause than their predecessors, and—believe me—that is no compliment ( Furthermore, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates pledged their continued support of the LGBT community, concerned that the strides they made under President Obama are imperiled under President Trump. As Christian voters, we must face the prospect that a vote for virtually any Democratic candidate for any office, let alone the presidency, is assuredly a vote for the murder of babies within the womb and the continued sanctioning of not only homosexuality but also the mission of LGBT activists to cow the entire culture to their agenda.

LGBT Activism

I deliberately use the term LGBT activism to distinguish between LGBT activists and LGBT individuals. While I believe homosexuality is a sin, I do not favor persecuting LGBT individuals or consigning them to a life I deem appropriate. Indeed, homosexuals, like anyone else, have the right to choose their own lifestyle, even if it counters the Bible. What I summarily object to is the relentless attempts of LGBT activists to bully people into accepting their views to the exclusion of any other view on the subject. The LGBT suing—not once but twice—of Jack Philips who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, the boycott campaign against Chic-fil-A whose president expressed support for marriage between one woman and one man, the brief suspension of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson over his belief that homosexuality is a sin, the vandalism of a Mormon church over its opposition of same-sex marriage, and the academic bullying of scientific researchers whose study reached conclusions opposed by LGBT activists, all intentionally send the same message: we have a right to our views, but you do not, especially if your views oppose ours. This is a message that is hard to take, even for some LGBT individuals. Consider the following words of one openly gay individual: “If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.” Unfortunately, given the current slate of Democrats vying for the highest office in the land, this trend of bullying others into submission to the LGBT agenda is not likely to reverse itself. After all, you get what you vote for.

Please see:

Abortion—i.e., Baby-killing

First and foremost, let’s call abortion what it really is: the murder of babies in the wombs of their mothers, which ironically should be the safest place for a baby. The Democratic platform—and Democrats themselves—often use euphemisms to veil the evilness of certain ideologies (contrast reproductive right with baby killing). We must not yield to such deception. At any rate, the 2016 Democratic platform (the 2020 platform will be released later this year) contains the following statement: “We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion.” Abortion, which incidentally is big business, just might be the chief cornerstone of the Democratic platform.

At the very least, Democratic politicians are becoming more entrenched and disturbingly expansive in their position on abortion. A National Review points out that a New York Times survey of all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates revealed support of “an abortion rights agenda more far-reaching than anything past nominees have proposed.” For example, the candidates expressed support for making abortion drugs available over-the-counter, forcing private insurers to cover elective abortions, repealing the Hyde Amendment limiting taxpayer funding of elective abortions, and removing restrictions on abortions after 24 weeks gestation, when the fetus is considered viable outside the mother’s womb, and when abortions are typically performed by dismembering the baby and pulling it painfully—for the baby, that is—from its mother’s womb part by part (

I still recall the image of New York lawmakers (all Democrats by the way) cheering in standing ovation for the passage of a bill legalizing abortion up to the point of birth. Come one now: you cannot even begin to convince me that these lawmakers really believe that aborting a baby right before birth is not murder. And if they do, that is even more alarming! Granted, women do not typically seek late-term abortions; however, the intent of this bill is too heinous to ignore. And get this: the bill had been stalled for years because of Republicans. It was only after Democrats took control of the New York legislature that the bill was able to pass. Furthermore, at one of the Democratic Presidential Primary debates held last year, every Democratic candidate indicated their staunch and unwavering support for abortion on demand. Given such a show of support, I do not understand how Christians can, in good conscience, vote for such a platform. Moreover, given the unrivaled rate of abortion in the Black community (in 2016 and previous years, more babies were aborted in New York City than were born), I cannot help but question the long-held perspective among Black Americans—Christians or otherwise—that the Democratic Party is the party that favors Blacks. Thankfully, the veil is lifting, and Blacks are gradually exiting the Democratic Party—and not a moment too soon!

God bless you, as you continue to hear and obey His Voice!

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