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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

The Dream

In a dream I had on September 7th, I was directed to a ladies’ restroom of a department store to try on clothes I wanted to purchase. Once inside, I immediately saw a man standing in front of one of the stalls, looking over the door and talking to a lady inside it. I was discombobulated by this awkward and strange occurrence. I naturally wondered what he was doing in a ladies’ restroom. And then, I was plagued by another thought: Lord please tell me they have not passed the law where people can use the restroom matching the gender they identify with, regardless of whether they have transitioned or not. As I was still processing this scene, another man came out of another stall and was talking with other women. Surprisingly, none of the other women inside the restroom acted like this was a problem. I was seemingly the only one who was disturbed.

I also noticed an intense eerie darkness to which everyone else seemed oblivious. This darkness, I knew, represented sin and the forces of evil. And the entire restroom scene, including the darkness, presented a picture of a debauched society under the influence of sin. One of the men walked over to me, and started a conversation, as though everything was alright. Immediately, the interpretation I received was that this man represented the devil trying to convince me, who represented the Body of Christ, that what I was experiencing was normal, acceptable, and nothing about which to be alarmed.

In reality, that is exactly what is happening. The devil has been trying—and at times, succeeding—to get the Church to embrace his message that normalizes homosexuality. Even now there is a call for pastors and churches to embrace homosexuality. For evidence of this fact, please read The Christian Broadcasting Network’s article, The Church Is Under Attack: CA Committee Passes Measure Telling Pastors to Affirm LGBT Ideology, found at the following website:

My brothers and sisters, affirming LGBT ideology is wrong and cringe-worthy. For believers, there is no acceptance of any ideology or behavior that goes against the Bible—not now, not ever! As I related this dream to a friend, she said something that drives home this point, “We are the Bride of Christ, and no good wife would just stand by and not support the position of her husband.” Our position should always be a stand for Biblical truth. Otherwise, the enemy will gain momentum, and consequently take over, through our ignorance, our lack of zeal for the things of God, and our silence, which is tantamount to our approval.

Therefore, we must not remain silent about these encompassing, critical issues that can have adverse and tragic repercussions, not only for this generation, but also for ensuing generations. I believe the Church needs to start a Righteous Invasion of Truth—a RIOT!—across this world that is unprecedented. We have the knowledge and the technology to make it happen. We must not be afraid of the devil who has been using fear tactics to keep us at bay, all the while moving forward with his evil agenda. It is time to shut him down by standing for righteousness, voting for platforms that align with the Bible, and letting our voice be heard in the Government. Pastors, I am asking you to speak up from your pulpits and declare the truth in love. Like never before, the Body of Christ has the means to make an earth-shaking change across this world.

I am calling for a spiritual revolution that will cause hearts and minds to be turned to God. Webster’s Dictionary defines revolution as a sudden radical or complete change. Considering this definition, I cannot help but think of Jesus who started the greatest spiritual revolution when he began to declare in Luke 4:21 that Luke 4: 18-19 was fulfilled in Him. The people who listened to Him ultimately attempted to throw Him off a cliff, but were unsuccessful because God protected Jesus. I also think about the Prophet Elijah challenging the prophets of Baal to a contest to determine the true God—the God who answered by fire and won back the hearts of His people (see I Kings 18: 20-39). Now, that’s a revolution!

I say that we need another spiritual revolution in these last days! In fact, we need one like never before! Will you rise up today and let the Father birth in your spirit something so great that it will change the hearts and minds of people around you and cause them to ask questions that give you an open door to share the Gospel of Christ with them? Will you be an agent of change in these last days? Will you let the Father speak through you? Just say yes!

God bless you, as you continue to hear His Voice!

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