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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

The Right Perspective of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has been getting a lot of media attention, and people are responding in kind. Just take a look around: major grocery stores are being hit; businesses, schools, and restaurants have either closed or limited their services to the public. City, state, and federal employees have been sent home to telework; health professions, such as dentist offices, have closed their doors. With so much going on, and with so many people endeavoring to speak into your life, it is crucial that you know whose voice you are hearing. More importantly, you must ensure you are heeding the right Voice! I posted something on our Facebook page yesterday, and am recounting a version of it below.

Every member of the Body of Christ has authority over Coronavirus, and we must take that authority in the Name of Jesus. The spirit behind this disease is speaking loudly and clearly all over our nation and the world. Coronavirus is nothing but a spirit of fear that feeds into the hearts and minds of whoever will listen to it. In 1 Timothy 1:7, Paul reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Our minds should not be full of fear, but rather peace, knowing that our loving Father has us protected. Thoughts of fear might whisper into your mind: thoughts like you might get it, what if you get it, you better prepare for it just in case, and so many others fears and worries. When that happens, I want you to speak to the spirit of Coronavirus in Jesus’ Name. Command it to shut up and be removed from you and your family. That’s your authority speaking, and the devil must submit.

Here is another reminder for you: we have a blood covenant with Jesus Christ! His Blood covers and protects us, like a shield, all around from top to bottom and front to back. When we say, I plead the Blood of Jesus over myself, my household, my work, or wherever I am, we are declaring to the devil, and to Coronavirus, that he cannot touch us, for we are covered with the Blood. We should take communion often, as Paul admonishes…as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup... (I Corinthians 11:26). When we do, we often remind ourselves that the Blood of Jesus, as well as our covenant with God Himself through Jesus, is far stronger and mightier than any plague or virus.

David reminds believers that God will rescue you from every trap, and protect you from deadly disease. And you must not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. And you must make the Lord your refuge [and] the Most High your shelter. And then no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home [because] he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go (Psalms 91:3, 6, 10-11). The words from this psalm are so appropriate during this time, and many have proven their effectiveness. In fact, I encourage you to read all of Psalms 91 and declare it over your life.

One definition of a plague is a sudden and unwelcome outbreak. Coronavirus falls into this category, and according to Psalms 91, you are protected from it. Declaring Psalm 91 in faith over yourself it is like taking a spiritual vaccination that works even better than a natural one. The world may not yet have a vaccination for Coronavirus, but God certainly does! Therefore, take communion and declare your covenant according to Psalms 91 and go about your day knowing that you are protected.

One more point: we, as the Body of Christ, need to come together through all social means and declare over ourselves, families and congregations, that we do not recognize the name of Coronavirus above the Name of Jesus. Remember that we are citizens of another Government, and we recognize Jesus as our Lord, and the supremacy of His Name over all names. At the Name of Jesus, everything must bow! Coronavirus is a thing, a name, and it must submit to the Name of Jesus Christ. Its power to affect us will die, as we boldly declare the Word of God, thereby enforcing our covenant rights to be protected.

One final note: this is our nation, and as believers, we have the authority to say what can or cannot enter into it spiritually. Remember that although we are in the world, we are not of the world (John 17:14). We are here to make a difference, just like Jesus, David, Elijah, Daniel, the three Hebrew boys, and so many others (even in our time) who have stood in faith in the worst of times and experienced the powerfully manifested deliverance of God. We have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this: to reveal God to the world by handling crises like Christians and showcasing God’s deliverance. People desperately need to see the power of God, and we are the ones He wants to use to show them that power. Coronavirus just provides us with another opportunity to do so. Let us, therefore, be examples of His Power, opening a door for a harvest of souls to come into the Kingdom of God.

Again, I remind you to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He speaks the heart of the Father during this time. This did not catch God by surprise, and He has already made a way of escape through His Word.

God bless you, as you continue to hear and heed His Voice!

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