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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

The Startling Tale of Abortion as Seen in the Numbers

Updated: Jul 17, 2019

The numbers tell quite the story when it comes to abortion. It is a sad, startling tale that should make Christians stand up and take notice. The numbers tell the story of a land drenched—no dripping!—with the blood of the innocent. When God confronted Cain after he killed an innocent and unsuspecting Abel, Cain seemed strangely indignant and flippantly replied, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9). God countered Cain’s sass with a revelation, “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground” (v. 10). God notices the shedding of innocent blood, and it is past time that Christians do also. And there is nothing in America—indeed in the world—that epitomizes the shedding of innocent blood more than abortion! Let’s look at the numbers.

Where Does the Data Come From?

The data presented in this article come from Abortion Counter, and represent real-time estimates of abortions performed in America and in the world. The estimates are based on the most recent actual numbers of abortions performed in past years. The estimates, in part, are derived from Guttmacher Institute, a division of Planned Parenthood, and the National Right to Life Committee. I do issue the caveat that there are several organizations that present abortion statistics, and they do not agree exactly. However, agree or not, the statistics presented by each of them are staggering and alarming. I chose Abortion Counters for the variety of data it provides.

As you may know, abortion was legalized in America in 1973 as a result of the Supreme Court decision in its landmark case, Roe v. Wade, and since that time, the number of abortions has increased astronomically. Consider that over 60 million abortions have been performed in the United States since Roe v. Wade. By comparison, 1.2 million American servicemen lost their lives in all of the combined wars that have involved the US. Furthermore, 1.5 million Americans were killed in gun-related incidents since 1968. We rightfully decry the death tolls of wars (especially those we consider unjust) and gun violence. However, should not we, especially Christians, be at least equally outraged by the death toll of abortion, which is approximately 30 times that of wars and gun violence combined?

Reasons for Abortions

Of the approximately 473,000 abortions performed so far this year, approximately 4,600 were performed because of rape or incest, which is less than 1%. Other studies estimate that approximately 7% of abortions are performed because of rape, incest, or health risk to the mother or baby. Ultimately, the whopping majority of abortions result from an unintended pregnancy, with concerns related to affordability, single parenthood, age, change, and privacy. This makes abortion one of the major sources of contraception. No matter how you slice it, that is just not right.

Abortion and the Black Community

Since Roe v. Wade, more than 18,000,000 Black babies have been aborted, which is approximately 30% of the total abortions performed in the US. This highlights a disparity, if ever I saw one, and is staggering; especially considering that Black people make up only about 13% of the US population at large. Abortions in the Black community outpace those in most, if not all, other communities. Blacks in America face dangers on many fronts; police brutality, black-on-black violence, and drug-related violence are just a few examples. However, by far, the most dangerous place for Black people—Black babies in particular—are their mothers’ wombs, as forces—including mothers but also external to mothers—clamor for their destruction. According to a 2012 New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene report, more Black babies were aborted than born in 2012. This cannot be said of any other ethnicity, and the trend continued in 2013. This statistic does not appear to be characteristic of America in general. Still, given the rate at which Black babies are killed in the womb, I opine that racism, though alive and thriving, is not the most serious problem facing Black Americans.

The Proponents of Abortion

When I consider the statistics in the previous paragraph, I cannot help but think of the image of New York lawmakers cheering in standing ovation for the passage of a bill that took all the stops off abortion, legalizing it up to the point of birth. Granted, women do not typically seek late-term abortions; however, the intent of this bill is too heinous to ignore. The bill, which had been stalled for years by Republicans, was passed into law when Democrats recently took control of the New York legislature. And at the Democratic Presidential Primary debates held last week, every Democratic candidate indicated their staunch and unwavering support for abortion on demand. Given such a show of support combined with the unrivaled rate of abortion in the Black community, I cannot help but question the long-held view among Black Americans that the Democratic Party is the party that favors Blacks. That last sentence likely offended many of you, but I will not retract it. My conscience simply will not allow me to! Just think about it!

No Condemnation

I have a parting word, perhaps the most important word of this article: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1). Please understand that the intent of this article is not to condemn but simply to bring truth and provide you with information that may challenge your stance on this issue. So please refuse to be condemned—no matter what!—especially if you are a Christian. God bless you as you continue to endeavor to hear and follow His Voice.

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