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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

The Urgency of These Times

I wonder if we really realize the urgency of these times. I wonder if we are willing to adjust our lives—our goals, our plans, our interests, our activities—to accommodate the urgent call of God during these times. We’ve seen over and over again throughout the Bible and human history how people have been caught off-guard and missed their date with destiny, their appointment with the will of God. Even when that urgency was apparent, some people remained unresponsive to God’s rallying call, thus missing their opportunity to make the difference in their world during their time. For example:

If wicked people during Noah’s time had anticipated the impending flood that almost totally wiped humanity from the earth, what would have been their attitude and response toward Noah’s preaching? They failed to recognize the urgency. They missed their divine appointment.

If those in hell had realized the severity of eternal damnation, the darkness that would soon grip their souls, and the agony of unbearable pain for eternity, would they have heeded the preaching of the Gospel? Sadly, they failed to recognize the urgency. They missed their divine appointment.

These are just two instances, but history is fraught with examples of people who missed God because they paid no attention to the urgency of His call, such as Christians who failed to help Jews during the Holocaust or Americans who failed to support the abolition of slavery or advance the cause of civil rights for all. To miss an appointment with God is woeful because He only means us good (see Psalms 23 and 136, and Psalm 145: 8-9). When we harden our hearts to His insistent calls, we counter His planned demonstration of His good, acceptable, and perfect will through us (see Romans 12:2). Make no mistake: God will have His way, but it is so much better for us when we willingly share in His will. Not everyone, however, misses their divine appointment. For example:

Moses ultimately realized the appointed time of Israel’s deliverance had come and faithfully partnered with God to bring about that deliverance. He recognized the urgency. He met his divine appointment.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego understood the supremacy of God over all things, and with their defiance of the king’s decree and their faith in God, they enabled God to demonstrate His supremacy through them. They recognized the urgency. They met their divine appointment.

David understood the need to rescue the Israelites from Goliath, the uncircumcised Philistine, and availed himself of his covenant with God to thoroughly remove this reproach from Israel. He recognized the urgency. He met his divine appointment. For other such examples, consult Hebrews 11.

Let’s bring it home. How should born-again Christians today, in 2020, respond to the news from the Spirit of God that a due-season, unrivaled awakening and revival is on the horizon, closer than ever? What should be the response of the local church and the Church at large? What should we be doing right now to better prepare for it? Indeed, these times are urgent, and we must hear and heed the Voice of God so we don’t miss our divine appointment.

God is speaking by His Spirit right now! He is giving the Body of Christ the opportunity to be on the forefront of what is coming. We must pray, read His Word, and listen for His Voice so that we walk lock step with Him during these times. We do not need to be afraid, for we have His promise that He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrew 13:5). He will faithfully prepare His children with revelation, and divine tools and resources to overcome any situation.

We have another assurance from God that no evil, despite its proximity, will ever befall us (Psalm 91:10). God has prepared us for what our nation—indeed the world—is experiencing and will prepare us for things to come, good and bad. If, like Mary, we plant ourselves at His feet and incline our ears to His Word, refusing to succumb to any distractions, we will not be surprised or overtaken by anything! This is a benefit of being His children, of being set apart!

As Children of God, we have the greatest opportunity to minister, not only in these urgent times but also in the days to come. We have the greatest opportunity to shine bright in the midst of darkness. It is our time to show forth His glory and make and be the difference to all we encounter. This is an awesome time for the Church to be on the earth. There is no doubt about that. The only question is: will you take the time to hear His Voice so that you always meet your divine appointment? The choice is yours!

God bless you as you continue to hear and heed His Voice!

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