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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney

What Are You Supporting?

That is a very important question, but it must be preceded by a more fundamental one: As a Christian, what do you really believe? For example, do you believe that, no matter the situation or circumstance, abortion is wrong? It is, according to the Bible. Consider Proverbs 6:16-17 King James Version (KJV):

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood…

And Psalm106:38 KJV, regarding the heathen nations surrounding Israel at the time: And (they) shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.

The Biblical perspective of shedding innocent blood, which occurs with every abortion, is clear: it is an abomination to God! Therefore, as born-again Christians, who profess Jesus as Lord, we must stand with those who side with God on this issue and who advocate for the protection of the lives of innocent babies. We must unapologetically and fearlessly stand for the sanctity of life—the Judeo-Christian worldview that life begins at conception—despite what such a stand might cost us.

Think About It!

Think, for a moment, about Governors in Georgia, Ohio, Louisiana, Missouri, and Alabama all signing heartbeat bills to protect the lives of the innocent by banning, and criminalizing, abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, typically at about six weeks after conception. Conversely, Governors Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), Ralph Northam (D-VA), and Gina Raimondo (D-RI) recently pushed for bills, allowing for abortions up to birth, and in one case, potentially after birth, should the mother and/or doctor deem it necessary. In fact, New York lawmakers cheered in standing ovation at the passage of the Reproductive Health Act—a euphemism, if ever there was one—that basically takes the reins off abortion. They applaud what God detest, what believers should consider an utter travesty. Think about it!

My Body, My Right

In contemporary culture, women constantly shout for their right to do whatever they wish with their bodies. Certainly, women should have such a right. However, women who extend this right to abortion refuse to acknowledge the scientific (and common-sense) fact that pre-born babies, though dependent on their mothers, are distinct from them. They have their own bodies, their own heartbeats, and they are capable of experiencing pain. In short, they are individuals, and the right women exert over their bodies should never include terminating the lives of these individuals. It is no surprise that non-Christians feel this way. After all, II Corinthians 4:4 states, …the god of this world (satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not…

On the other hand, it is reprehensible when believers are fooled and begin parroting the pro-death rhetoric of contemporary culture. Sadly, however, it is not just rhetoric.

What Are You Supporting

It is time for you to think honestly about what you are supporting, and re-direct that support, if necessary. It is foolish for believers to be disengaged politically, and yet, it is often difficult to determine for whom to cast our votes. Very often, no one candidate embodies all of our Christian values; that almost always mean that our vote, should we decide to vote, will involve some type of compromise. There are some things, however, that we simply must not tolerate; the legalized murder of pre-born babies is certainly one of them! Consider that New York legislators clamored for years to pass their sweeping pro-death bill but were only able to do so after Democrats won the majority in New York in the 2018 midterm election. What you support—who you support—matters!

So, for example, are you apt to support Governors like Andrew Cuomo who disdain pre-born life or Governors like Brian Kemp who wasted no time signing Georgia’s heartbeat bill into law. More importantly, what does God have to say about what you are supporting? When we, as believers, vote into office people who support killing children in the womb—children who themselves are denied the right to discover their identities, who are robbed of their God-given purpose and plans, and whom God deems precious in His Sight—we thoroughly deviate from the will of God.

Do Something Additional

A preacher once argued that the pro-life stance cannot be legislated, stating that some women will have abortions regardless of any law prohibiting them from doing so. The same can be said, however, of someone who murders. Yet, no rational person would suggest that laws prohibiting murder be appealed because they will not deter all murderers. The only reason people think that way concerning abortion is because they do not see it for the crime it is. They certainly do not ascribe to it the seriousness they do murder.

And yet, the preacher is right. Abortion exists not only because there are no laws prohibiting it outright, but also because it resides in the hearts of many. And legislation has little, if any, sway over matters of the heart. So even though a vote for pro-life is decidedly the right thing to do, it is insufficient. We must do other things, practical and spiritual, to impact the heart of humanity regarding this issue. For example, the organization Pre-Born provides free ultrasounds to mothers considering abortion. In 80% of those cases, the mothers have a change of heart and choose life for their babies. Supporting this organization prayerfully and financially is an additional thing Christians can do to supplement their pro-life votes. Other things include abstaining from judgmentalism, adopting babies, providing moral and financial support, lending an ear, and offering sound, but uncondemning, counsel. I also believe that as you pray, God will show you even other things that can be done.

No Condemnation

This message is not meant to condemn anyone. John 3:17 lets us know that God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn it but to save it. The Apostle Paul further declares in Romans 8:1 that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. If you have had an abortion, there is total forgiveness for you—no matter how many abortions you have had, and even if you had an abortion after becoming a Christian. It is the job of believers to bring light, not to condemn. Condemnation comes, however, when that light is rejected (see John 3:19). I, therefore, leave you with Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation): Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

God bless you, and I pray for you to continue to hear His Voice.

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