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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Pinkney


I hear the Father’s heart cry for His children to hear and recognize His voice, now more than ever before! You must understand that hearing and recognizing His voice speaking to your spirit has the potential to issue life and healing to every part of your life (see Proverbs 4:20-22). Most importantly, heeding the voice of God will increase God’s communication with you and put you on the path to fulfil His perfect will. Accordingly, Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and pay attention to it. And [knowing that they listen] He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out [to pasture] (John 10:3 AMP).

It is likewise fundamental, in this day and age, that we hear His voice on behalf of others so that we can effectively minister to any person with any ailment, such as a broken heart, and see them restored to wholeness. Jesus admonished the disciples and us along these lines, with the following directive: Heal those who are sick. Bring those who are dead back to life. Make those who have skin diseases ‘clean’ again. Drive out demons. You have received freely, so give freely (Matthew 10:8 NIRV).

The Passion Translation puts it this way: You must continually bring healing to lepers and to those who are sick, and make it your habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life. Freely you have received the power of the kingdom, so freely release it to others.

The Apostle Paul revealed in II Corinthians 1:21 that God has anointed us. Therefore, we have His ability to go forth and minister. He desires you to be His voice as you proclaim words of life that can rescue the prostitute off the streets and turn her into an evangelist that rescues other women. He wants you to be His voice to speak to the drug user, compelling him to forsake his way of coping and instead accept Jesus as Lord and throw down and crush his crack pipe.

Will you be His voice in this world? Will you allow him to use you to be His voice to nations that have not yet experienced the goodness of God the way you have?

Will you allow him to employ you to be His voice to the pregnant teenager, assuring her of the love of Jesus and helping her to see that she does not have to murder her unborn baby? Are you willing to help fund the ministries that have become adept at ministering life in these situations? Would you be willing to take her child as your own?

Would you be willing to inconvenience yourself to minister to the woman who was raped, the woman who was molested, the woman who was abandoned as a child, the woman whose identity has been stolen, the woman whose worth has been extinguished, and the woman who lacks the spiritual capacity to counter the devil’s advances? Can you forego judgment and minister deliverance? Can you unequivocally convey the love of Jesus to each of them?

Will you be His voice?

Will you be his voice to the homosexual who cannot imagine any likelihood of deliverance from the dastardly desires raging inside him? Can you push past the activism to see the homosexual that is crushed and desperate for deliverance? Are you willing to pray for him, pray with him, stand by him unashamedly, defend him and minister deliverance to him through the Name and Word of God, helping him to see the king inside him, the man God created him to be?

Will you be His voice?

Will you be his voice to the single mother of four children, endeavoring to rear them the best way she knows? Will you talk about her to others, or talk to her about Jesus? Will you permit God to use you to mentor her boys to grow into successful men of God who love God and impact their communities for his glory? Will you be a role model for her daughters to become virtuous women of God who operate in their God-given authority?

Will you be His voice?

Will you be His voice to the single mother who needs to understand that she does not have to compromise her body in any manner to pay her bills? Will you model decorum and self-regard for her? Will you show her, in deed and not just word, how to effectively pray and receive her needs and desires met by God, without experiencing regret the next day?

Will you be His voice?

Will you be His voice of love and compassion instead of hatred, division, and resentment? Will you be His voice of peace, by walking into a room filled with confusion and chaos and boldly declaring peace, be still, in Jesus name? Will you be willing to go into a hospital room and minister healing and declare to someone Jesus makes you whole, rise up, and witness His power manifesting healing before your eyes?

Will you be His voice in the very face of death, marching up to a coffin and laying hands on that corpse, and commanding death to loosen its grip? Will you speak life to return into that body and witness God’s resurrection power?

Again, will you be His voice?

Will you be His voice, calling into existence from the spiritual realm the destiny of that son, daughter, relative, or friend, as God does by calling things into existence that do not exist in the natural realm?

Are you willing to be His voice, spreading His truth, no matter the price, no matter what people, friends or family say, no matter who concurs or disagrees with you, no matter the circumstance? Even with tears flowing from your eyes, will you shout loudly, I will obey God?

Will you raise the banner of righteousness and holiness on your job, in your home, in your church, in public, in your school, in your business or wherever you go?

Will you be His voice at the ballot box, casting your vote for life, biblical marriage and support of Israel?

God is calling for a people who will no longer ignore his voice, no longer settle for half-heartedly obeying His voice (which is really not obedience). God is calling for His people to no longer be afraid to be classified as different, strange or Jesus fanatics. He is looking for people who will take the time to truly hear the heart of God on a daily basis, saying at every word, Yes Lord! I hear and I will obey.

Is that you?

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